My name is Akira Yamaguchi and I'm a junior graphic designer. My portfolio consists of Poster Design, Editorial Design, Illustration and more.

Nein zum neuen Filmgesetz

The Swiss Government launched the so-called "Lex Netflix", which obliges streaming providers to invest part of their sales in Swiss films and demand 30% of the movies on their platforms to be European. This law will cause the subscription fees to be higher and the variety of films to suffer.

Nobody wants to pay more for movies they don't want to watch. For this reason the Jungfreisinnige asked us to design a political campaign that encourages people to go vote against the new law.

I teamed up with Valentin Borkorny, Julia Hegi and Valerie Bühler to tackle this challenge. We wanted to create an identity that stands out from the crowd and draws everyone's attention in a fun and entertaining way.

3rd Year

Jungfreisinnige Schweiz

Campaign Identity

Felix Pfäffli

Simon Roth

Matthias Hauser